Desert Museum Vignettes

ASDM and the Youth Effect!

亚利桑那每日星报-综合报道-青少年转向科学,作者Leo Della Betta, 1953年6月28日
亚利桑那每日星报-综合报道-青少年转向科学,作者Leo Della Betta, 1953年6月28日
'Teenagers Turn to Science' article — first page
'Teenagers Turn to Science' article — first page
'Teenagers Turn to Science' article — second page
'Teenagers Turn to Science' article — second page

The common link? 年轻时,他们花时间在亚利桑那-索诺拉网上买球十大正规平台学习自然历史.

长期以来,年轻人在网上买球十大正规平台中占有重要地位. In Pebbles in Our Shoes, William H. (�Bill�) Carr talked about early work at the Museum, teaching us who forged the Museum�s early footpaths:

ï推荐一个买球网站的两个高中同学,约翰·皮尔斯和唐·科勒,正在帮助推荐一个买球网站做肌肉训练. I gathered these boys on our first morning at work, and simply said, �All right, I�m going to draw some lines on the ground. 你只要跟着耙子和铲子,清理Iï我标记的路径.�

So saying, I took up a sharp stick, glanced around the grounds, which by now were familiar to me down to their last shrub, and pointed my rear generally southeast. Starting from just below the patio, where the steps were to decline into the desert pathways, I backed clockwise around the perimeter, leaving the line scratched in the ground. 因此,网上买球十大正规平台从零开始或向后开始的陈腐笑话. No matter, it did get started that memorable morning.

没过多久,我那对热心的帮手就把第一条小路刮平了, unobstructed passage, and it was lovely in its promise.

—我的希望�和我对博物馆的意图�一直是许多其他年轻人能够找到知识和灵感, if not a professional career, 与推荐一个买球网站博物馆将提供的户外活动密切相关. Our successes along the way have been numbered by this scale, 令人振奋的是,推荐一个买球网站的协会提高了许多年轻人对沙漠�和他们自己�的了解.�

And so it began �

As two of the early teen pioneers expressed it �

Photo of Roger Carpenter
Roger Carpenter - 2018

Working at the Museum was great! �Lots of fun. I liked my coworkers (there were nearly a dozen!) I didn�t mind any task, including cleaning the two restrooms, 或者把所有的垃圾和动物粪便带到Rangerï(乔·卡瑞瑟)房子后面的地方烧掉.�清理大多数动物笼子(有些例外)使推荐一个买球网站与山猫有了近距离接触, javelinas, etc. � Roger Carpenter, 2019

Photo of Harvey Goldson
Harvey Goldson - 2016

我生命中最美好的回忆是在网上买球十大正规平台�与工作人员一起工作,因为那里有伟大的动物. 我是周末工作人员的一员,负责清洁和用鳞片喂动物, feathers and fur � and the insects. � Harvey Goldson, 2019


青少年导赏员计划对青少年志愿者(13-18岁)进行自然历史教育,并训练他们与博物馆游客互动, sharing natural history and conservation stories.

Since 1995, this program has served over 500 teens. 初级讲解员的主要工作是向博物馆游客介绍索诺兰沙漠地区的自然历史, 但它也帮助他们获得生活和学习技能,为他们上大学和就业做好准备. They practice problem solving, 加强沟通技巧,学习与他人合作的价值, all while building self-confidence and public speaking skills. 初级讲解员接受索诺兰沙漠Region�植物的全面培训, animals, geology and ecology, but also learn how to share it with others.

In recent interviews, Junior Docents shared their views of the Junior Docent Program, the Museum, and their Museum family:

Photo of Alexander Pye
Alexander Pye reading Teenagers Turn To Science - 2019

来自Alexander Pye ��初级导盲员计划教会了我公开演讲的技巧,并给了我与公众合作的信心. It taught me the value of team work. 这个节目教你很多关于索诺兰沙漠的知识,以及如何为未来的生活做好准备. 当你离开初级导赏员项目时,它使你有能力把你的技能发扬下去.�

Photo of Casey Lawson
Cassandra 'Casey' Lawson - 2019

来自Cassandra �Casey�Lawson ��如果我要写一本关于博物馆的书, my theme would be, 它周围的社区——建造这座博物馆的人们, what�s made it what it is today. 他们对博物馆的支持和奉献,以及这些人的个人故事,使它成为一个非常美丽、多样和有趣的地方.�

Photo of Mariah Joseph
Mariah Joseph - 2019

From Mariah Joseph � �As Junior Docents, 推荐一个买球网站最大的责任是推荐一个买球网站如何代表博物馆作为一个整体,以及推荐一个买球网站如何表达对这个机构的尊重.�

Junior Docents
Junior Docents � 2017

The Museum has programs for youth of all ages. 许多人都是在学校的实地考察中第一次体验网上买球十大正规平台. The Museum hosts approximately 20,000 students on field trips each year, and sees another 10,000 during community outreach programs. 博物馆甚至为孩子们提供了一个特别的会员计划,叫做 Coati Kids Club, which is celebrating almost 25 years. Summer camps are another Museum offering, with programs including Museum Explorers (1st � 6th grades), and Colors of Nature (5th � 7th grades). Earth Camp, started in 2005, 专注于13岁�15岁,并允许参与者体验实验室以外的科学. 真实的实地研究可以让学生亲身体验自然世界,并培养保护和保护自然的热情.

Earth Camp
Earth Camp, 2008
Photo of Andres Cano
State Representative Andr�s Cano - 2007
引用州代表Andr�s Cano在2019年��十年前, Earth Camp taught me to love, honor, and respect the world around us.� Today, at age 27, Iï我在亚利桑那州众议院支持Arizonaï的自然资源.�

Debbie Colodner, ASDM�s Conservation Education & Science Director observed, �沙漠Museumï推荐一个买球网站的青年项目是对推荐一个买球网站社区的一项投资, 帮助培养能够在大学和各种职业中取得成功的公民, as well as provide leadership for a more sustainable future.�

Once again, 比尔·卡尔被证明是南亚利桑那州和亚利桑那-索诺拉网上买球十大正规平台的梦想家.

And those cited in the Introduction?

Notes: Junior Docents Alexander Pye, Mariah Joseph, Cassandra �Casey� Lawson were interviewed for this vignette. 网上买球十大正规平台项目专家艾米·奥查德(Amy Orchard)为这幅小插图做出了贡献. The vignette was produced by Anne C. Warner.

Newspaper scans courtesy of Arizona Daily Star � Roundup, Teenagers Turn To Science, by Leo Della Betta -- June 28, 1953

亚利桑那-索诺拉网上买球十大正规平台(ASDM)口述历史项目旨在记录ASDM的历史. 采访和收集的材料提供了一个捕捉博物馆创始人记忆的机会, members, staff, and guests; and to share those memories with Tucson and the conservation community at large.
