

乔治·L·山狮——查克画的文学狮子 "Waggin

那天是2月22日, 1953, and the Desert Museum was a mere six months old when 比尔 卡尔 invited my husband Merv, and me to accompany him to the Tucson Airport to pick up a distinguished arrival�the Museum’s new male mountain lion. 在终端, 一小群人站在一个移动的笼子周围, 惊呼凶猛, 他们几乎看不见咆哮的美洲狮, 但透过重重屏蔽的笼门却听得清清楚楚. Actually what they were hearing was the purring and yapping of a friendly and excited young lion.

With the lion loaded in back of the station wagon we headed for the Museum and during the drive admired the lion’s obviously friendly nature and vocalizations. 一路上推荐一个买球网站跟他说话,他也跟推荐一个买球网站说话. By the time we arrived at the Museum we were convinced he was a friendly cat, not a ferocious lion. 比尔 asked Merv and me if we’d like to go in the lion’s enclosure as the lion was released from the traveling cage. 推荐一个买球网站欣然接受. 推荐一个买球网站站在那里. 三个人关在一个狮子笼子里.

笼子的尾门打开了. 狮子很渴望. As we watched him exit the cage, it seemed that he grew longer and longer, larger and larger. 他似乎太大了,装不进旅行的笼子. What emerged was a slim, rangy, long-legged, big-footed, adolescent, near-adult-sized lion. 当他在推荐一个买球网站眼前长大, 比尔, 有点惊慌失措, indicated we all needed to move “quietly and calmly” toward the nearest exit (which was the only one). 回顾那天推荐一个买球网站控制但迅速的撤退, Iï我敢肯定,如果推荐一个买球网站看了狮子, 而不是在门口, we�d have seen our new friend with a puzzled expression on his lion face. We soon learned that the lion had grown up among people and enjoyed their attention. That day I think he must have wondered why we didn’t stay to get better acquainted.

狮子到来的时候是乔治·华盛顿的生日. 他(在假日里)成了乔治。. 比尔加上了L的首字母. for Leo the Lion, and combined two words, mountain and lion, for a surname. 乔治·L. 山狮来到了网上买球十大正规平台. George became a weekly columnist (with a little help) for the Arizona Daily Star and the Museum�s icon for all time. Over the Museum�s 65 year history, several other Georges followed the first. 推荐一个买球网站都爱他们.

——Peggy Larson, 2016年11月

With the Desert Museum’s 65th anniversary ‘just around the corner’, it seems appropriate to check in with George for his perspective.


乔治·L. Mountainlion和Peggy Larson

“George, so many fine things have happened at the Desert Museum as a result of your efforts. youï最让你自豪的成就是什么?”

我在采访乔治·L. 为推荐一个买球网站的档案/采访/小品节目. For 64 years George has been the Museum’s icon and I realized his interview should have been the first conducted in the hundred that have been completed. I apologized and told George his was the very first we have conducted of any of the Museum�s animal residents. 他很有礼貌,说他很高兴被包括在内.

“I’ve been the face of the Museum for years and I’m really purr-r-r-oud of that,” he told me. “看看博物馆的信笺, you’ll see my face on every letter that goes out and it�s been on loads of invitations, 宣传册, 还有——你能想到的!”

“很明显, I’ve lived the Museum’s history since arriving here when the Museum was barely six months old. 那时我是一个大爪子的青少年, and 比尔 卡尔 arranged for me to be the Museum�s Very Special Resident!” 乔治一直有一个非常积极的自我形象. P. L.)

“As you well know, I’m a Literate Lion and a Catamount Columnist. For many years I wrote a weekly column about Museum happenings for the Arizona Daily Star. And certainly I’ve been instrumental in gaining publicity for the Museum for more than half a century.”

“Especially I’m proud of the fact I’ve been able to advise the Museum Directors — all eleven of them — on Museum matters. And I’m a liaison between 工作人员 and our resident animals, helping insure their well-being. 例如, it was my idea to build comfortable “geriatric” quarters for our older animals entering retirement.” (George explained, off the record, that he has absolutely no intention of retiring. P.L.)

I asked George a key question, “What would you like the Museum to be on its hundredth anniversary?这句话在他回答之前引起了一阵深思.

“Well, you know, the Museum started with a terrific mission, but limited exhibits. 推荐一个买球网站在一个房间里展示爬行动物和小型哺乳动物, 外面的“笼子”里关着较大的哺乳动物, 还有几条小路徘徊在沙漠植物之间. 然后,在我的监督下 (告诉你! P.L.) the Museum has been transformed with naturalistic habitat enclosures; major docent and volunteer programs; extensive education, 科学, and conservation programs; a renowned Congdon Earth Sciences Center; a 300-seat theatre; food services; public programs such as Raptor Free Flight; and a highly successful Art Institute.” (你要知道,推荐一个买球网站couldnï没有你推荐一个买球网站做不到,乔治! P.L.)

Our favorite lion concluded, “The Desert Museum has been called ‘a miracle in the desert’. I’m proud to have had a hand — oops, four paws — in its success. At its hundredth I want it to be a miracle in that age for conservation of, and appreciation for our Sonoran Desert — and especially for mountain lions!”


The 亚利桑那-索诺拉网上买球十大正规平台 (ASDM) Oral 历史 Project is designed to chronicle the history of ASDM. The interviews and collected materials provide an opportunity to capture the memories of museum founders, 成员, 工作人员, and guests; and to share those memories with Tucson and the conservation community at large.
